
she likes hair bands on satellite radio

(source: ffffound.com)

sxsw was crazy. can't wait to partake in more music festivals, concerts, and shows this year. what's your favorite "hair band"? i would say aerosmith/van halen are mine. i think you can classify them as a hair band. whatever.

any new music i should buy? any new trends i should risk my style sanity for? should i even care? probably not...

it's tuesday, go play outside.


and i say it's alright

(source: ffffound)

light. shed light. new light. light up. lights on. lights off. true light. ray of light.
lighten up. light the way. light load. light bulb. light layers. uv light. lightweight. sunlight.


and i kissed you in a style that clark gable would have admired


heading to sxsw this weekend. so excited. the line-up is pretty amazing: metric, memory tapes, antlers, she & him, cave singers, minus the bear, broken social scene, miike snow, sondre lerche...so much i wish i could see it all. if any of you are going to be there, let me know! i would love to grab a drink/share musical interests with some fellow bloggers.

thanks again for all the comments, i think i will post photos of my own outfits sometime soon..unfortunately my camera is dumb and i haven't been able to do so.

song of the day - clark gable - postal service.


kiss with a fist

(source: wmag)

hello moodiness. start your weekend off right.


i swear when i grow up, i won't just buy you a rose.

 (source: ffffound)

inspired by funfetti cupcakes, tea parties, alice in wonderland, and everything candy wrapped.
where is the weekend already?

eh, follow my twitter.


you try to drag me into your bohemian dancing

**this motojacket look was styled by Ivania from love aesthetics, go check it out!**

 (source: ffffound)

how do ya'll feel about hats? do you think the trend is over? trying too hard? i'm not sure...i guess it's the attitude that comes with them.

by the way, that song in my blog title pretty much sums up my life/past couple weeks haha. and why hasn't anyone mentioned that the followill brothers are complete studs?

i would like to thank you all for leaving such great comments. i read every single one, and i try to look at everyone's blog that comments and usually follow the blog.  i love the community of the style/art blog world. ya'll are lovely.


love will tear us apart.

 (source: tumblr, ffffound)

i just want to be rock n' roll. don't you? i'm in such a punk rock phase right now.
who are some of your favorite bands? and does the music you listen to influence your style?

i want to wear tights and no bottoms, dramatic capes, throw on some heavy liner, and riot.
speaking of music, sxsw is around the corner! love you all.