
excuse me?

okay so men's health created a list (in the woman's "perspective") of "20 things she notices about you." please read and note the ridiculousness of many of these points...aHem.."you're resemblance to rock????" what??

By: Lisa Jones

1. Your well-muscled left forearm. Conveniently located directly above the very first thing I notice: your ring finger.

2. Your skin tone. 1 percent increase in tan = 47 percent increase in muscle tone.

3. Your resemblance to a rock. The Rock, Kid Rock, and all the rocks in between are equally attractive. So stop worrying about your body type. I like them all.

4. Your lungs. When you suck in your gut to impress me, I'm charmed silly.

5. Your stride. I love watching a man who's confident and in shape enough to run shirtless on the beach. You're barefoot, too? My heart is racing.

6. Your swim trunks. No Speedos, please. Just something stylish that shows off your moneymaker.

7. Your moneymaker. It's not what you're thinking . . . I mean those lines that start near your hips and plummet down to your groin. They make you extremely hot . . . and me very, very bothered.

8. Your resemblance to Spider-Man. Women think Tobey Maguire is sexy. And you look like you can totally kick his ass.

9. Your calves. Especially when you're playing volleyball, sprinting for the Frisbee, riding your bike, or on your hands and knees helping a 5-year-old dig a sandcastle moat.

10. Your body in jeans . . . and a linen dress shirt with rolled-up sleeves and a backward baseball cap, all while you're splashing around with your black Lab in the surf at sunset. No, you're not wearing or doing that now. But I'm imagining you are, and you look freaking fetching.

11. Your rear view. Three words: lower-back dimples.

12. Your activity level. Have you been lying out? Or working out?

13. Your shoulder muscles. At some point I will determine whether you're strong enough to save me when I pretend to be caught in the undertow.

14. Your brainpan. Turn the right kind of pages and you can really turn me on. What are you reading—Melville? Or Maxim?

15. Your accessories. Sunglasses and thong flip-flops = instant appeal.

16. Your attire. Salty, sandy, sun-kissed, and wearing a well-worn white T-shirt? I don't care what's under your shirt, because I can only think about getting naked.

17. Your courage. You didn't dip your toe to test the water before jumping in.

18. Your eyes. My eyes are open under these Jackie O. sunglasses, boy, and I can see you checking me out.

19. Your beer belly. A small one's not so bad. A tiny bit of soft flesh over the waistband is forgivable. (Just don't look like you swallowed the keg.)

20. Your belly button. Innie? Outie? Doesn't matter. Weirdly erotic, either way.

you can go to the actual article here.

this is "The Frisky's" response to Men's Health article, which i think is pretty funny, but still not hitting the mark.


mesh, skirts, and lacee

i want a fun summer. please.

jealous of everyone who owns the erin wasson rvca dress...

source: most images from cobrasnake..


everyone's talkin bout stolen girlfriendzz

minus the second one from the left (which is white trumpet) the rest are stolen girlfriends club. those bandage legging/pants are awesome.



sexcellent things to wear for the summer courtesy of topshop (US site).

i haz no money, what to do?

specifically for those who feel the need to shop and/or buy more clothes, shoes, and accessories on a daily basis...okay so here it goes, my "what-to-do-when-bank-account-reaches-below-$50-and-you-want-that-cute-top."

1. shop your own closet! (easier said than done, but seriously...hunt through those bins of clothes you have stashed somewhere because you just can't seem to let them go. you kept them for a reason, didn't you? call it vintage.)

2. combine accessories (yes mix the gold and silver together, it's not a written rule...pair that clutch with some flats you never thought about doing until now. it can really change a whole outfit around)

3. add a blazer / jacket or sweater to anything (and yes, you can mix denims)

4. cut your non-stretch jeans (or just cut/sew/stud denim...make them into this season's cut-offs)

5. did you know that cropped tees and midriff tops are back? yeah, they are. do it.

6. shop your friends' closet (someone of a similar size) do a little yankee swap.


elephants & what

just bought these...can't wait for the elephanteesss.


i could wear your t-shirt..

aah love, my cut off levi's are way too big right now... i need to buy some serious jean short shorts.

where the wild things are.

check it. it looks awesome.


i'm on a boat.

painting and drawing for the next 2 weeks. awesome. i can't wait for this weekend's weather.

source: lookbook


sunny dayyy

(look book)

(olsens anonymous)

it is gorgeous out, i was out by the pool for a good hour and a half. i definitely need that in my life. new current obsession: sheer torn tights and/or leggings w loose vint t-shirt. love it. and mary-kate does no wrong in my book.


rainy day transpirings

(all lookbook)

wish i was brave enough to wear tights when it's snowing.
still on the job hunt, i could use at least one response to my millions e-mails...something to believe that these employers who are listing positions really ARE hiring. sometimes i think it's a cruel joke. "awesome cool graphic designer needed for an even cooler and highly creative design firm" [aka cruel joke]

as i am applying, i am also hoping that my life suddenly coordinates itself in perfect synchronization and i land a job and find the most quaint apartment in dc. all in the next month. fingers crossed and knocks on wood will also help. sigh.


hair and makeup inspiration

i'm thinking about getting bangs and keeping my length.
really loving this chic's hair cut. it's one of my favorite blogs, although i can't read it, picture browsing is fun too.(j&j)
i have a serious makeup obsession and a trying-out-new-things obsession. for awhile i did the the heavy top liner with a slight winged corner, but mostly i stick with the raccoon eyes. i know it's ridiculous for on campus. and i swear i have to put on more eye make up than the average person...it comes right off my face in a matter of a seconds. i've always loved the way the olsen twins do their makeup and because of my affinity towards heavy eye makeup mk kills it.

(send me these. thnx.)

rainy days are the bane of my existence (or week)....i hope it's sunny on my birthday (4 days!)


GIRL talk BOY talk


(style sightings)

i am too excited for it to be finally warm, i can't wait for neon brights and fun tropical accents. i am loving the brunette's outfit with high-waisted shorts, maybe minus the tights if it's above 75 degrees. her full length featured a flat ankle boot, but i think she could totally top off the outfit with some killer heels.

( wearing: top forever 21, aa leggings, h&m clutch)

i would like to say that girl talk puts on quite a show for such a skinny sweaty individual. he danced (jumped) the entire hour and a half long set and proceeded to slow-motion rip his white v-neck for a period of 40 minutes. it was quite entertaining. unfortunately, a very putrid odor lasted the duration of the concert and made me never want to go to an indoor music venue again. you can tell by my expression of the photo--it was that bad.


career, what?

i love a. wang's relaxed fits and solid brights. the black meshy number is amazing. i definitely think there is a correlation between wang's and dvf's. they both have a way of draping fabrics and using fabrics that flatters a woman's body. and the lacy tunic of dvf's spring collection is a surprising element, in my opinion, to the rest of the collection.

it's been a grueling day of resume this and job interview that, maybe a couple lovely pieces will take out the over in whelming.