
i haz no money, what to do?

specifically for those who feel the need to shop and/or buy more clothes, shoes, and accessories on a daily basis...okay so here it goes, my "what-to-do-when-bank-account-reaches-below-$50-and-you-want-that-cute-top."

1. shop your own closet! (easier said than done, but seriously...hunt through those bins of clothes you have stashed somewhere because you just can't seem to let them go. you kept them for a reason, didn't you? call it vintage.)

2. combine accessories (yes mix the gold and silver together, it's not a written rule...pair that clutch with some flats you never thought about doing until now. it can really change a whole outfit around)

3. add a blazer / jacket or sweater to anything (and yes, you can mix denims)

4. cut your non-stretch jeans (or just cut/sew/stud denim...make them into this season's cut-offs)

5. did you know that cropped tees and midriff tops are back? yeah, they are. do it.

6. shop your friends' closet (someone of a similar size) do a little yankee swap.

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thanks beebz.