
you're guiltless and free; I hope you take a piece of me with you

 (source: random? desktop? tumblr?)

my "what-i-want-to-do-before-i-become-a-huge-adult-bore" list:

1. build a tree house
2. write a song, perform it on a stage
3. become so immersed in a painting that i ignore everyone/everything for a week; seclusion
4. fall in love multiple times (not just people, books, music, God)
5. make a parrot repeat a word for me
6. sew a dress
7. have a tea party
8. lie in the grass and discuss the shapes of clouds
9. re-learn some calculus (weird i know)
10. live in ny

(for right now...)


  1. I just love this to-do list.I think I'm going to make one by my own :)
    But how old are you now?

  2. Love the picture with the cigarette-girl !

    I'm gonna make this list too, but I'm still an adult !

    See U !

  3. Lovely photos and list!!

    Great blog btw, following you now :)


  4. loving this inspiration
    such cute photos!!
    thanks for sharing darling!
    and thanks for your comments, it was so sweet of you!


  5. I was totally thinking about this the other day after coming across a blog where someone had a list of things to do in a year.

    I normally do this kind of thing as a kind of resolutions list, but was thinking the other day of a more long term kind of list - to be done by say the age of 30... but then I can picture myself funning around for the last months of being 29 trying to get to salsa and cooking classes while sewing a dress and bungee jumping haha.

    Loved reading yours - so keen on the tea party and tree house idea, you could have a tea party in your tree house when it is finished!

  6. i can't believe you quoted motorcycle drive by! this was my favorite song 7th-12th grade and still know every word and have a large amount of nostalgia when i hear it.

    the photos are also beautiful.. as always. you know how to pick 'em.




thanks beebz.